C3510 is a fully automated, high performance, compact analyzer that efficiently processes routine and specialty coagulation assays. Equipped with mechanical (viscosity based) detection technology to test clotting items, as well as optical channel for chromogenic and immunoturbidimetric assays, it is an ideal choice for mid to high-volume laboratories


Classic mechanical method (viscosity based detection) to test clotting items.

Technology suggested by CLSI. Insensitive to icteric, lipemic, chylus and hemolysis sample.

Drawer loading design of sample racks to enhance automation and flexibility

Independent testing channels increase test throughput and offer more parameters

4 independent clotting channels, maximum throughput 300T/H
6 independent optical channels, maximum throughput 100T/H
Combo coagulation 4 parameters (PT/APTT/Fib/TT), 60T/H
Combo coagulation 5 parameters (PT/APTT/Fib/TT/D-Dimer), 40T/H

Separate sample/reagent probe ensures low carry over. Both probes are equipped with liquid-level detection function and collision protection in vertical direction

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